Article Summary: Effectiveness of Active Rehabilitation Program on Sports Hernia: Randomized Control Trial
Effectiveness of Active Rehabilitation Program on Sports Hernia: Randomized Control Trial Objective: "To determine whether an active rehabilitation program that involves repetitive effortful muscle contractions, including core stability, balancing exercises, progressive resistance exercises, and running activities, after a sports hernia, is effective." Population: 40 male soccer players age 18-25 with groin pain with sport for at least 2 months. Methods: Study Design: Single Blind RCT Group A: Active Rehabilitation Program (also received Group B intervention) Group B: Conventional Treatment Program Randomization via envelope method. Staff therapist drew an envelope and handed to treating therapist. Both groups instructed to perform stretching exercises for adductor, hamstring, and hip-flexor musculature on days between treatment days. Did not specify if there were different treating therapists. Did not specify any training to provide c...